Small Mountain – Valley Beach
Date: 26/01/2020
Hares: Boozer, Captain
CircleMaster: Boozer
Harriers: 47
This week’s run took place on Small Mountain 47 happy hashers registered for the run at Uno Coffee, the chalk talk was given by Captain and then we were off on the run. In the hot afternoon sun we departed Uno Coffee and headed up Ha Long road till we reached hem twenty two, a left turn was executed and as steep climb ensued up hem twenty two till we reached the small temple, a quick scoot up the side of the temple we commenced the climb on the mountain heading towards the army road. The ground was dry and slippery but with passion we climbed the mountain side and reached the army road, turning right we headed to the Jesus statue, entering the Jesus statue grounds from the old French Officer quarters we sought out the old gun battery steps and descended to the battle ship gun on the side of the mountain. Selfie time at the gun battery was the go, then in the cool breeze we followed the mountain road to the Jesus steps and descended at haste the 830 steps to the down down spot at Valley Beach. Upon arrival we downed our icy Sagota beer and enjoyed the cooling breeze coming off the sea. Party time was next, the circle began, a lot of laughter, frivolity ensued, the usual dousing of sinners took place, the welcoming of virgins and finally a birthday cake for Chippy. With the sun setting 5:30pm approaching, hashers suitably refreshed the run wound down, beer supplies exhausted it was time to head home – On On